Emma Social recap: The Sweetest Day edition

Saturday is Sweetest Day. For the uninitiated, it’s basically Valentine’s Day II, so it’s another opportunity to show those you care about a little love. And since we care about all of you fine folks, consider this week’s links and social posts your virtual box of chocolates: some standard faves, some surprising ones and others that are a little nutty. Enjoy!

Best practices
8 email tips for the 8 second attention span
How to get a 50% open rate from new email subscribers
Email marketers: Take your list and check it twice

Emma news
We answered your questions on modern email design
Join us for a panel discussion with Nashville's tech leaders
We're looking for a technical consultant, business dev specialist and more!

Fun finds
Job interviews gone wrong
The 7 deadly brand social media sins, illustrated
(What?!) Virgin's 6-hour commercial for 'Blah Airlines'

Our most popular tweet of the week

Email automation doesn't have to be complicated. Here's a quick guide for putting the parts in place. https://t.co/xTpjd2dccz

— Emma, Inc. (@emmaemail) October 12, 2014


A favorite from our own feed

I love receiving these emails from @emmaemail. This email has style B) > #EmailMarketing pic.twitter.com/PHrzu8Msku

— Live And Social (@LiveandSocial) October 15, 2014

If you want to get those emails from us, then join our list here. We send the latest news and tips to get better at this whole marketing thing twice a month or so.


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