The top 5 Emma features you should be using right now

Now that you've been upgraded to the new Emma experience (welcome aboard!), here's a look at the top 5 features that will help you drive better results and save a little time in the process.

A/B Content Testing

With A/B Content Testing, test variables from 2 emails (like CTAs, image placement, content length, subject lines, pre-header text, or sender name) across a small percentage of your audience. We'll automatically send the winning email to your remaining subscribers based on what you’re testing – highest open rate, overall click rate, or clicks on a particular link. Rather choose the winner yourself? You can do that too.

Segment Builder

We always talk about how targeted, personalized emails are the key to getting the results you care about. And our Segment Builder lets you do just that. For example, you can create a segment to re-target subscribers who haven't opened a mailing, or send one of your best-performing campaigns to new subscribers who weren’t in your audience when you originally sent it. You can even segment by zip code for precise geo-targeting.

Interactive Marketing Calendar

Our new Interactive Marketing Calendar gives you visibility into your email schedule, making it easier for your team to work together and adjust your marketing strategy on the fly. Quickly view and edit send details (like subject line, from name, and address) and reschedule or cancel a mailing — right from the Home screen.

Enhanced Image Library Features

Drag-and-drop images right into your mailing
That’s right. Just drag an image from your computer right on top of any image placeholder and it will show up in your mailing. It’s that easy. 

Multiple-image uploads
Uploading multiple images? Forget doing it one at a time. Just grab the whole batch from your computer and upload them all at once to your image library.

Folders & search
We know image organization is super important, so now you can create folders inside the image library to keep all of your images organized. And, when you’d like to find them later? Just use the Search bar.

Support for retina images
Emma supports ultra high-res retina images, so your mailing will look spectacular on screens of all sizes. More on this here.

Dynamic Content

One of Emma's most powerful new features, Dynamic Content allows you to send unique, personalized content to each one of your subscribers based on the data you store about them — all from a single email. For example, you can send one email that displays a different image to each subscriber depending on their interests. As long as you're capturing the data, dynamic content can help you craft personalized emails that get the results you’re looking for. Learn more about it here.

Have any questions? We’re here to help! Visit our Resource Center and Emma Community for additional resources to help your success, send us an email, or give us a call at 1-615-296-0900!

About the Author

Miles Price is a Product Marketing Manager at Campaign Monitor.

More Content by Miles Price

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